People do a lot of things in their lives on the fly. However, not all of them are beneficial and it is difficult to get rid of such bad habits. But if you know some secrets, you can break out of this vicious circle.
Usually, people realise that they have bad habits and decide to change. However, then things don’t go according to plan. They try to start changing and even hold on for a while, but then they still fall off. But here it is worth understanding that quitting everything at once is not possible. It is better to start with one thing and get rid of one bad habit at first. There is no need to change your life at the root. You have to do it consistently and smoothly. First get rid of one bad habit and then move on to the next one.
It is very difficult to stop a bad habit straight away, so you have to do things differently. For example, it is not a good idea to stop smoking right away. You have to reduce the number of cigarettes at first. You may even try to keep a special table, in which you can add your results. As a result, you will eventually be able to stop smoking altogether. The effectiveness of this method has long been confirmed by many experiments. It is also possible to take action when trying to give up other bad habits. For example, gradually eating less or exercising more often. It is worth understanding that abrupt changes are difficult both physically and psychologically.
In some cases it is much easier to change not yourself but the context around you. If you get rid of the triggers or reduce their impact, you are much less likely to be drawn into unwanted behaviour. The fact is that the environment has a strong influence on people, and this has been one of the most important discoveries in recent years. For example, if food in the fridge is arranged one way, a person will choose one food item. But if it is arranged differently, he will take something else. As it turns out, a person does not always make the choice himself. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make it more difficult to start a bad habit. For example, someone who watches a lot of TV should take the batteries out of the remote control and put it away. You’ll feel less inclined to turn it on.
More often than not, it’s stress that gets you into bad habits. This is why you need to know how to relax. In this case, the brain will make the right decisions and get rid of bad habits will be much easier. The fact is that during stress, the brain loses its alertness. And as a result, a person may drink alcohol or eat junk food. But once you get rid of stress and relax, it becomes much easier to keep your habits under control.
It’s worth realising right away that if you say ‘I’ll never do something again’, you are more likely to do it again. For example, Charles Dahigg in his book “The Power of Habit” says that it is almost impossible to get rid of a bad habit completely, but it is easier to replace it. For instance, if you are in the habit of chewing something all the time, it is better to take a sugar-free chewing gum instead of a sweet bun. The fact is that the habit cannot be abruptly removed from your life, but it is the substitution that will help you change your life.
So, all you have to do is follow a few important tips. And very soon you will see results and you will be able to change and get rid of your bad habits.